Friday, February 1, 2013

Here. Have some awesome.


I was going to be productive last night, but then Pinterest happened.

But that's okay, because now you get to partake of all this awesome that I found while I was wasting time on the internet that you might've never stumbled upon had I been being responsible and replacing my rubber bands like I was supposed to be doing.

Go. Partake of the awesome.

Before I end this post which is getting way too long, I've noticed there's definitely a list-theme going on for my posts this year. Have you noticed? I've noticed. Here's another one.

Fourteen Things That Made Today Awesome

1. It was SUNNY!!!

2. When we got to school, the ASB and Leadership kids had covered the entire school with our Share the Love fundraiser program decorations. Every locker had some kind of cute/hearty/pink thing on it. It just made me happy.

3. 1 period P.E. was a classroom working day instead of a gym workout day. (That means I got to wear an extra cute outfit to school.)

4. My favorite sub taught our Spanish class.

5. In World Studies we had an awesome debate-slash-free-for-all-argument in class and Mr. Hagen didn't even care that me and M and K ate the chocolate chips and almonds from my lunch while we were doing it.

6. SHARE THE LOVE ASSEMBLY WAS AMAZING! It was incredible to see how much a whole school can care about one family. I cried.

7. No seriously, I cried.

8. Brooke and her sister Megan performed a song that they wrote during the assembly, and it was be-YOU-tiful! I love you guys.

9. Friend P decided last minute to try out for Mr. MHS which means we can make "Vote for Pedro" t-shirts.

10. Yeah. Like from Napoleon Dynamite.

11. I got away with wearing skin-colored nylons underneath my capris so I wouldn't have to wear socks with my flats. Score.

12. I cleared up some drama with one of my friends and we both feel so much better. Yay for having the courage to say sorry and just be happy!

13. I got into concert choir.... :)


I love you all. May your days be merry and bright, and may all your Fridays be awesome.


  1. I love the somebody one. It's so perfect! I'm going to learn from all of these. And I really love your 14 reasons! Most of those are so true. If only the sun would melt off all the snow by my house. We've got FEET. :P


    1. It's funny that you say that the Somebody one was your favorite, because I had tons to choose from, but for some reason, I felt like I should post that one.

      And hel-LO how in the heck do you guys still have snow? How to you have snow at all? It must've been like 60 degrees today! Holy canoles.

      Thanks for the comment. :)


  2. Yay! Love it all. And congrats on getting into Choir!! La, la la!!

    Love you miss.
