Friday, September 13, 2013

crazy-amazing words of awesome

my collection of cool words I've found over the years...

serendipity- (n.) finding something nice while looking for something else
ethereal- (adj.) delicate and light, almost perfect
adamantine- (adj.) unbreakable
soliloquy- (n.) speaking your thoughts out loud
petrichor- (n.) the smell of earth after rain
zephyr- (n.) a gentle breeze
eloquent- (adj.) fluent and persuasive in speaking or writing
inglenook- (n.) a cozy spot by the fireplace
loquacious- (adj.) very talkative
frisson- (n.) a sudden feeling of thrill
eunoia- (n.) beautiful thinking; a well mind
sphallolalia- (n.) flirtatious talk that leads nowhere
logastellus- (n.) a person whose love of words is greater than their knowledge of them
brontide- (n.) the low, distant rumble of thunder
cynosure- (n.) the focal point of admiration
matutine- (adj.) just before the dawn
quaquaversal- (adj.) moving or happening in every direction all at once
hoppípolla- (phr.) jumping into puddles
culcaccino- (n.) the ring left on the table by a cold glass
alexithymia- (n.) difficulty describing feelings to other people
novaturient- (adj.) desiring or seeking a powerful change in your life
phosphenes- (pl. n.) the stars and colors you see when you rub your eyes
eccedentesiast- (n.) a person who fakes a smile
grit- (n.) firmness in mind or spirit
evanescent- (adj.) passing out of sight, memory, or existence
queue- (n.) a line of people waiting
peripeteia- (n.) a sudden turn of events in a book
groak- (v.) to stare longingly at someone who is eating in hopes that they will ask you to join them
vespertine- (adj.) alive in the evening
ameliorate- (v.) to turn something bad into something better
mistpouffer- (n.) the mysterious sound over the ocean in quiet, foggy weather
clinomania- (n.) a strong desire to stay in bed
pareidolia- (n.) the instinct to find pictures in things like stars or clouds
eternitarian- (n.) someone who believes in the eternity of the soul

BONUS BONUS BONUS, words in different languages...

meraki- GREEK (adj.) putting your whole soul, creativity, and love into your work
retrouvailles- FRENCH (n.) the happiness of meeting again after along separation
esprit de l'escalier- FRENCH (phr.) when you think of a witty remark right after the perfect opportunity to say it
saudade- PORTUGUESE (n.) the feeling of longing for someone you love that you have lost
carpe diem- LATIN (phr.) sieze the day
yuputka- ULWA (n.) the sensation of something crawling on your skin
iktsuarpok- INUIT (n.) when you're waiting for someone to show up at your house so you keep looking out the window to see if they're there yet
yoko meshi- JAPANESE (phr.) the stress of speaking a foreign language
pana po'o- HAWAIIAN (phr.) scratching your head to remember something you forgot
taarradhin- ARABIC (n.) an "everybody wins" solution to a problem
duende- SPANISH (adj.) describing intense passion and energy in an artistic performance

things I will someday day make up my own words for...
- telling people you're tired when you're actually just sad or thinking about something
- waking up on Monday morning
- when you accidentally rhyme
- the smell of old books
- the smell of new books
- when you're talking to someone and their spit accidentally lands on your face
- when you start to tell a story and then realize no one is listening
- when you say something funny and then someone else says it louder and gets the credit
- when you awkwardly make eye contact with the same person multiple times in a row
- that amazing feeling after you finish a huge project
- the face someone makes right before they sneeze
- listening to a song that describes your situation exactly
Anyone else have favorite words?


  1. This is so awesome! Adding them ALL to my quote book. Love you so much, more than I think you'll ever know! Thanks for being the best friend ever. :)

    1. Dude, YES. I lovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelove words!!! So much love.
      Thank YOU for being the best friend ever. :)
      -Nicole :)
