Saturday, October 5, 2013

on loving yourself

This letter is to every girl who has ever looked at the mirror and hated her freckles. This letter is to every girl who has ever wished her nose was smaller or flatter or rounder. This letter is to every girl who is afraid to smile because her teeth are crooked. This letter is to every girl who has wished she was blonde, who has wished she had straight hair, or wished she was skinnier, or taller, or prettier.

I'm writing this because there is no reason that anyone shouldn't feel comfortable in their own skin.

Dear you,

You need to hear this.

You. are. beautiful.

You are wonderful just the way you are. Your body is amazing. Just look at you.

You. are. you. And that should be enough for anyone.

If it's not, then you just pay them no mind.

No one has the right to make you feel worthless. Not even you.

You are beautiful inside and out.

Be yourself.
Accept yourself.
Value yourself.
Forgive yourself.
Bless yourself.
Express yourself.
Trust yourself.
Love yourself.
Empower yourself.

Listen to this. God made you. You are his child. You are his masterpiece.

You. can. do. anything.

Love, me


  1. You are your mother's child and that makes me smile! When Jandi and I were little she would have us look in the mirror before we went to bed and say out loud "I am beautiful, I love myself". I'm glad to see your great minds think alike. love you girl!

    1. Awww I should start doing that with Lauren :)
