Wednesday, July 23, 2014

the journey

"The Journey" was the name of this year's Youth Conference, which was such an amazing experience. The conference was from June 31 to July 4. Our Journey family was best friends by the end of the week, and my testimony grew so much!

Sarah, MaryK, Marie, and Autumn
with fellow Youth Leader Mark
senior Youth Leader and bestie by the end of the week, MaryK
Marie, me, and Autum
all da Youth Leaders
groupie on da bus ride home
Lime Green Cardwells: Sam, Mitchell, Pa Cardwell, Hayden, Abdul from the Gold
group photobombing, Mark, Ma Cardwell, Seth, Autumn, Marie, MaryKatherine,
Elizabeth, Petyon, Julia, Austen, Nathan, me, and Alyson :)

I love you guys!! <3


  1. I love this. I love you. I'm inside your house right now.

    It's not weird 'cause you let me inside.


  2. Lol it made my heart a number symbol. Sorry :) <3
