Friday, August 29, 2014

summer you get back here {part 2}

I know I just posted yesterday, but I figured a few of the adventures mentioned in it needed their own posts. Like Indianapolis roaming. Plus it's Michael Jackson's birthday today.

So, Indiana.
This map was in our orthodontist's office, we got to put a pin on it

My mom, Nathan, and I went to this convention with my Grandpa where he sells his books that Nathan and I illustrated the covers for a couple years ago.

A lot of weird costumes and weird smells and weird food and weird tasting water. Basically not Oregon.

We had a lot of cute adventures there. Like this 50's burger place in the mall
I'd like to take this moment to say that at one point all waitresses and waiters all broke into a choreographed dance to the song "Respect." I don't think it gets better than that ever. 

Also this

And this
Our hotel used to be a train station. The conductor really liked my purse.

And this

Here's me being creepy at a writing class taught by SCOTT FREAKING WESTERFELD who wrote the Uglies series and the Leviathan series
yes that is Scott Westerfeld

This is also Scott Westerfeld
We're practically twinning with our stripey button downs.
I am twinning with Scott Westerfeld.

The city was really pretty

 A bunch of the rooftops and all of the fire hydrants and taxis were turquoise.

Also this Hard Rock Cafe 
with a whole room dedicated to Michael Jackson

My mom was in heaven.
(Happy birthday Michael!)

Also this view of Mt. Hood on the airplane ride back
Which by the way was a coast to coast flight :)

We flew to Atlanta and then back to Portland

And that concludes the trip!! :)

Couple more summer-y things before we end:

I bought a pair of overalls

Also, the ice bucket challenge

And a pic of me and baby cousin Viggo
Watch the video I made about him and his family here.

Alright! Happy summer guys! :)

be excellent to each other and party on dudes
Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure


  1. "The city was really pretty"

    You are also really really really pretty.
    Been at the ASB mtg. and now at the library, but text or e-mail me soon.

    Love love love.

    1. Yeah...without my wisdom teeth my vocabulary skills are gone haha
      And lol YOU'RE really really really pretty

    2. No haha sorry I wasn't dissing your vocab! Love love.
